Tuesday, 10 January 2012


Going along with my current excitement at having just booked flights to Florence for Pitti Filati (shopping for stuff to knit with at a dedicated yarn event to all you non knitters), I thought I would post the first of 2 collections of work I did for the fair in my first year at the RCA. It was highly experimental, I covered my fabrics with paint and silicone and sequins and cocoa powder, as you do.
  The concept was all about the human senses, I was looking at 'touch' and had to emulate imagery given to me which fell under 2 headings (I didn't come up with these) -

Rock Climbing,

and Vice Cream.

So I tried to knit rocks, ropes, and sporty looking bits and then selected which would construct the final length - I should say the brief was to create a 150cm length of fabric which would then get chopped up and turned into crazy little garments to go on mini mannequins at Pitti.

The final length for Rock Climbing-

I did the same for the vice cream group too and I then had to knit up 2 lengths for this particular heading.

 The Vice Cream results-

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