Saturday, 31 December 2011

Tea Dress Part 2

Having posted the photos of the tea dress, I decided to go in search of my sketchbook and the design work behind the garment. What I uncovered were many collages featuring fairy cake bun cases and paper doilies....

Fabric Sandwiches


Sketchbook Collage

Monday, 26 December 2011

Anyone for a spot of afternoon tea?

The 'Tea Dress' - inspired by the patterns and colours found on china tea cups used to take traditional English high tea. Machine knitted during the final year of my BA degree.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

What can you do with a straw after drinking a cocktail?

A body of work which I exhibited at the RCA Fashion and Textiles 'Work in progress' January 2011. Who knew there were so many ways to incorporate straws with knitting!

Some bug eye lens pictures of my inspiration drawings.

You can also find more images on the ARTS THREAD blog here

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Rowan + Wool Week + Liberty =

Alongside my lovely knitted textiles and fashion knitwear colleagues at the RCA, I was fortunate enough to be chosen as one of the RCA Rowan Design Award 2011 finalists. The brief was to re-invent British heritage knits using Rowan's British Sheep Breed yarns. I took on the cable - made it oversized and unpredictable using Rowan's Cocoon yarn. My cape design (there are armholes on the sides although you can't actually see them) went on display in Liberty London for the duration of September 2011.

My Knotted Cable Cape

I want to pass on a word of knitting wisdom...... after completing the garment, I was given one of the most useful gems of hand knitting advice to date - keep any yarns that shed, (along with your knitting) in the freezer, it stops the shedding. Sadly I was told this after I'd covered my entire flat and all my clothes in mohair fluff! Still finding remnants of it 3 months later....

Wednesday, 21 December 2011


This is the final collection I did for my BA degree at St. Martins. All machine knitted by yours truly. The concept was all about creatures and objects which change and morph of their own accord, hence the title "Morphogenesis".

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Tuesday, 20 December 2011

And so it begins....

Welcome to the blog of a knitter. I am in my final year at the Royal College of Art, studying a masters in knitted textiles for fashion (both women's and men's wear). I'm starting a blog to express what inspires me and begin unleashing my work on the world. Knitting has been my life for the past few years and will hopefully lead me somewhere wonderful when I graduate in June, but for now I am beavering away working on my final collection of splendiferous knitted garments.
So to get the photos rolling, here's a project I did in the second year of my BA at Central St. Martins. The project is entitled 'Metropolis' and involved a lot a fake grass and cassette tape.